Sunday, July 22, 2012

Healthwise - Shared Decision Making

Boost shared decision making

Proactively learn about people's preferences related to high-impact health decisions with interactive decision aids. The first decision aids to record people's answers, Healthwise Shared Decision Points allow your care managers and clinicians to provide tailored support and follow-up.

Promote shared decision making with the leading interactive decision aids

Provide step-by-step decision aids to help people make preference-sensitive care decisions. Healthwise Shared Decision Points guide people through understanding their choices, comparing risks versus benefits, expressing their preferences, and making a decision that’s right for them. This effective new approach to shared decision making covers decisions like:
  • Surgeries. Should I have surgery for herniated disc? Should I have knee replacement surgery?
  • Medical Tests. Should I have an angiogram? Should I have an MRI for low back pain?
  • Medicines. Should I take allergy shots? Should I take statins for high cholesterol?
  • Health Issues. Should I get a pacemaker? Should I move my loved one into long-term care after a stroke?
At the end of every Shared Decision Point, people receive a summary that they can review with their doctor. This summary is also available for your organization.

Gain valuable insight on decisions

Shared Decision Points can be used wherever people are making decisions about their care:
  • Your health coaches can prescribe them to members based on information they learn over the phone.
  • Physicians can prescribe them to patients as part of their shared decision-making process.
  • Your organization can target Shared Decision Points to people based on triggers from your system when your data shows that they may be considering a decision and could be helped with a decision aid.
  • You can also include these decision aids on your website for people who are making preference-sensitive care decisions.
Shared Decision Points record each person’s answers to give you an early view into people’s preferences and values. Your organization can use this information to tailor follow-up support for the decision being made.

Engage people with proven consumer decision aids

Healthwise Shared Decision Points are informed by the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS). They use the perfect combination of consumer-centered design and evidence-based medicine to deliver support that people can trust.
When people use decision aids, they are more likely to choose more conservative, less invasive therapies, without affecting health outcomes. Improve quality, reduce costs, and help people when they need it most with the first decision aids to proactively inform your organization on people’s preferences and values.

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